1 Gift Aid reclaimed on behalf of Diabetes UK by JustGiving. With the exception of three donations, it does not include any Gift Aid reclaimed by Diabetes UK themselves from offline donations and as a result the total going to the charity will in reality be higher than is shown2 While JustGiving's fee structure is straightforward, the actual amount they charge depends on which payment methods were used to make the individual donations (credit card, debit card or PayPal) and how much money each charity raises through the site.
These figures have been calculated under a maximum-fee scenario in which every online donation to TEAM! was made with a credit card and with the highest fee level of 5% being applied to Diabetes UK donations by JustGiving. In reality, the actual fees deducted will be lower than shown
3 Jonathan Moore withdrew from the 2013 Virgin London Marathon on April 7th
4 As we reported in February 2013, Alison's fabulous friend Claire wanted to do her bit for TEAM!. She went on to trounce Bath Half Marathon in a tremendous 01:55:52 and in doing so raised a fantastic £260.43. Her fundraising was not included in the Diabetes UK VLM total, but it is in ours!
Our heartfelt thanks to every one who donated money to TEAM!, your generosity has been utterly astounding and sincerely humbling.

Thank you.
Finally, here is a fab picture courtesy of the VLM Team at Diabetes UK.
N.B. For some archaic legal reason, their official total is not allowed to include gift aid!
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