Thank You!
There is plenty in this post for everyone: a full report of the results, a league table of teams and even a chance to have a go at the quiz yourself, but priority number one is to say a massive thank you to all our contestants who came along to our two quiz nights on the 18th and 25th March.
Not only did you make each evening a hoot, but over the two nights you raised a stunning £1,484 on behalf of TEAM! which has already winged its way to Diabetes UK!
On behalf of us all, thank you very much indeed.
We would also like to express our gratitude to a few other folks who were invaluable in helping make this happen, you are all brilliant:
- The amazing guys over at The New Moon in Leadenhall for letting us use their pub; their service and support over the two nights was superb
- Lucky Voice, Roast, Killik, Riverford, Kernel Brewery, EDF and Loake who all very kindly donated prizes for the raffles which were responsible for raising £519 of the total
- Alison and Dave for their hours of work pre-quiz and strict policing during
Scores On The Doors!
There were some outstanding performances - for all sorts of reasons! - and both nights produced tooth and nail battles right until the final rounds.
Usually there is only one winner, but in this case there were two and so congratulations go to our Victors of Quiz who were:
The Uffington Wassailers (18th) and The Mankini Men (25th)
For everyone else, while you are all champions in our eyes, for the competitive amongst you we've combined the two nights' scores in to the fabulous league table below - which you can click to make bigger - so you can see how you fared; the numbers in green are the best scores for that particular round over the two nights.
N.B. The General Knowledge rounds changed slightly between the nights and the figures have been adjusted accordingly.
Let's Get Quizzical!
Finally, if you were part of these moments in history and you would like to relive your glory, or if you would like to have been but were not and fancy chancing your mental-arm against our Quiz Titans, then you can have a go at the quiz here!
Instructions for each round follow, if you do have a go, enjoy, and although there is no longer any entry fee, our donations page is here.
Good luck!
Round 1: Out Of Order!

All you have to do is rearrange the letters in to the right order demanded by each question.
When you have done, here are the Quick Answers and here are the Detailed Answers. One point for each letter in the correct box.
Score to beat: Uffington Wassailers 11
Round 2: General Knowledge
Here are the Questions and here are the Answers
Score to beat: Quizimojo 17
Round 3: Absolute Beginners
In the video below are the introductions to 20 well known songs from the last four decades. One point for artist and one for title, but be warned they are quick! You can listen to them twice.
Score to beat: Mankini Men 38
WARNING: The video also shows the answers, so make sure you don't look at the screen while it is playing - unless you want the answers that is! To help you, the music - and the answers - only start after 10 seconds. (Mobile device users click here for video)
Round 4: Who's Who?

You get 2 points for identifying each of the 10 people pictured and you get a bonus of 5 points for working out what the connection is between them!
When you have done, here are the Answers
Score to beat: Norfolk & Chance (Johnson) 18
Round 5: Classical Conditioning
Another music round in the video below, but this time there are 10 contemporary songs all of which borrow themes and melodies, almost note for note, from pieces of classical music. All you have to do is identify each original classical piece from which they borrow heavily - a point for composer, a point for the piece.
Score to beat: Max Is Out 16
WARNING: The video also shows the answers, so make sure you don't look at the screen while it is playing - unless you want the answers that is! To help you, the music - and the answers - only start after 10 seconds. (Mobile device users click here for video)
Round 6: True or False?
Does what it says on the tin! Here are your Questions and here are the Answers
Score to beat: Lootun Masseev 22
Quiz Top Scorers: Uffington Wassailers 104