Week 2 |
Cross-Trains | Runs | Total Miles Run | Avg Pace (min/mile) | Calories Run |
Alison | 2 | 3 | 28.13 | 10:20 | 3,027 |
Iain | 0 | 3 | 21.16 | 8:49 | 2,582 |
And here are the status reports from our Arctic training camp:
Generally tired after a pretty heavy 10 days of running, but feeling ok and this week cross training kicks in which will be different however I could have chosen slightly more clement weather conditions to get back on the bike after a 2-year hiatus. Still, it looks good with shiny new tyres, new bar brakes and hopefully it won't snow until tomorrow...
Is suffering from the beginnings of a cold and is fighting a rearguard action, but is still able to train although starting to worry about the long runs which kick up a gear in January.
We have received a further £240 of sponsorship, thank you all very much indeed, and the most-viewed page is still the video of me stretching, so please look at this this one instead!
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